GROW Prenatal & Family Center

Babywearing Dance (PINE)
with Hillary

February 17 (Monday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
45 minutes

Babywearing Dance is a lighthearted dance class for babies ages 2-6 months and their caregivers. We'll bounce, swish, sway, and cha cha to get your heart rate up while bonding with your baby and creating community. 

Class begins with our typical GROW "check in" to meet other parents and caregivers in the room, followed by a 30 minute dance class for all levels. Don't worry if you think you "can't dance" - the teacher is demonstrating the whole time, and the pressure is low :). Babywearing dance is all about moving in a way that your baby will love, while following along with the rhythm and basic repeated dance steps. There will be a great playlist and a lot of laughing.

Please bring your favorite supportive baby carrier with you. Of course, if it feels better to dance holding your baby rather than in a carrier, that's fine too!

Unlike typical baby music, this class features vibrant, upbeat tunes, allowing caregivers to relax, unwind, and take a moment for themselves while bonding with their little ones.


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